
Home / Electromagnetic

AGP-TEM – innovative airborne time-domain electromagnetic system

AGP-TEM surveys are used to image the conductivity (resistivity) of the earth in
3D to assist with a wide range of geoscience challenges


The main issues to be solved:

Groundwater mapping

Identification of mineral exploration targets  (conducting objects such as sulfide copper-porphyry, polymetallic mineralization, kimberlites etc.)

Study of fractures and faults


Build near surface resistivity model to adjust velocity model

Key parameters
Peak moment:
up to 6 00  NIA
Repetition frequency:
12.5 – 75 Hz
Noise level:
0.2 nT/s
Pulse length:
up to 9 ms
Pulse shape:
Depth of investigation:
up to 600 m

Work examples

Identification of aquifers and sedimentary features in the conductive section
Copper-nickel deposits exploration
Thrust fault in the conductivity model

Multi-parameter survey that acquire maximum of geophysical parameters simultaneously

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